
  • 2023

    Promotion of Major Project Strategy

    Overseas project expansion

    Trade agency, testing and maintenance sector

    Initiate IPO

  • 2021

    Intelligent logistics layout

    Establish a school enterprise cooperation intelligent logistics research center

  • 2018

    Informatization and automation transformation strategy, layout of informatization and automation transformation

    Further improvement of supply chain and platformization, with the addition of trade and online freight platforms

  • 2015

    Kunshan Headquarters Park has been completed

    Layout of companies in central and southwestern China, gradually implementing group based operations

  • 2013

    Business sector expansion, rapid growth in land and sea transportation, air transportation, warehousing, and customs declaration

  • 2010

    Kunshan Greatyu International Logistics Service Co., Ltd. Headquarters Established

    Domestic transportation is the main focus

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